Sunday, December 12, 2010


This is my first attempts in digital form, very rough and unresolved.

my history page (flap).
So up to this point, the images listed above were my 3rd phase presentation. That's all I had for it.

What I had in the end of phase 3

based on what I originally have in phase 3, I found that I still have to improve on my layout, it just doesnt say anything special, because the entire book is really turning into a history text book. I have to make something that really stands for myself, my voice! So I finally came up my own standpoint towards Hanfu.

My standpoint was, that "No matter how much our clothes have being defaced, deep in our souls, lie the memories of our true selves"

After I have my personal standpoint, things start to get bright both conceptually and visually. I came up with more spreads and layout, some of my original layout was also abandoned. Originally I had a lot of pages talking about the history and the culture behind, but now I have pretty much cut them down to tiny bit! Now it's all my voice!

My new layout of the book.

Very illustration based book, a lot of illustrations I have to do, and looking for ref is truly time consuming, but definitly worth it.

how everything looked like after the design of my new layouts, still a lot unresolved designs, but definily looks a lot special to me personally.

unresolved paged opening for SELF

I thought the type here looks cool, but guess not in terms of the content, since the word skin looks more western than eastern perhaps? From the valuable feedbacks, I had a lot to change for my type choices and works.

Overall, for this phase, I just quickly threw things in to see how it looks, after I will resolve the design more, right now it's just digital thumbnails.

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